Filtering by: Academia
International Conference on Sustainable Chemistry for Net Zero
to 13 Jun

International Conference on Sustainable Chemistry for Net Zero

  • St Andrews University (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

International Conference on Sustainable Chemistry for Net Zero (ICSC-NZ), taking place in the picturesque town of St. Andrews, Scotland. This event is being organised in collaboration with ScotCHEM, the consortium of Scottish Chemistry Departments, and the University of St. Andrews.

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Computational Biology Conference
to 4 Jul

Computational Biology Conference

The University of Glasgow computational biology conference is an opportunity for Ph.D. students and early career researchers to come together to share ideas and build collaboration for future projects. The conference will cover a wide variety of applied and methodological research related to computational biology, and we welcome researchers from a variety of backgrounds.

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Edinburgh Napier's Building Knowledge Transfer Partnerships Event
9:30 am09:30

Edinburgh Napier's Building Knowledge Transfer Partnerships Event

Hosted by our new Edinburgh Napier Innovation Hub, in collaboration with the East of Scotland KTP Centre, this insightful networking event is all about raising awareness of the benefits of Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) to both industry and academia, and building useful business-university connections to help drive the exploration and development of shared research and innovation projects.

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Responsible Innovation: Industrial Biotechnology and Engineering Biology
10:30 am10:30

Responsible Innovation: Industrial Biotechnology and Engineering Biology

This open, online event brings together the BBSRC Networks in Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy, the wider synthetic biology, industrial biotechnology and responsible innovation communities, and eminent speakers from across disciplines and sectors to explore current developments, challenges and opportunities for responsible innovation in industrial biotechnology and engineering biology.

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5:00 pm17:00


Postponed until further notice.

Please join RSC for the fourteenth annual meeting exploring the chemistry and biology of natural products covering subjects from synthetic chemistry to microbial genetics. The 2020 edition will be run as an ECR satellite meeting with Directing Biosynthesis VI.

This meeting is kindly sponsored by the Royal Society of Chemistry Journals, Royal Society of Chemistry Chemical Biology and Bioorganic Group, and Syngenta. One lunch, a wine reception/dinner and prizes for the best talks and posters are all included.

For enquires please contact:

Matthew Jenner ( or Fabrizio Alberti (

Upcoming deadlines

27th April 2020: Oral abstracts deadline
25th May 2020: Poster abstract deadline
25th May 2020: Standard registration deadline

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to 25 Jun


Explore interactions between technology, the environment, economy, society and policy.

IChemE statement:

'In June 2020, we were looking forward to connecting with speakers and delegates at our second International Conference on Sustainable Production and Consumption in Edinburgh, and to sharing some of the high-quality papers which had been submitted by academics, researchers and students.

However, in light of the worldwide coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, travel restrictions, and the logistical difficulties of running a conference at this time, we have taken the difficult decision to cancel this year's event.

We appreciate that this will be disappointing to everyone who took the time to submit an abstract. We hope to be able to bring you news about when and where the next conference will take place in due course.'

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9:30 am09:30


This event is for industry, academia, farmers, growers, government and funders involved in the Plants and Crops sector.

Tuesday, 9 June 2020 09:30 am – 12:30 pm
This event will be live streamed via webcast

The event will bring together a varied audience including industry, academia, farmers, growers, government and funders. We want to achieve an Agri-Tech Industry opinion around Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to drive compelling discussions during and after the event.

Here’s an overview of what to expect:

•  Scene-setting presentations including an overview of IPM approaches

•  Thoughts on the current agricultural landscape in the UK, how IPM is being used and future opportunities

•  A discussion around opportunities (e.g. funding) to support future work in this area

•  An interactive session to gather audience input on challenges and opportunities for IPM

Why attend?

The event will bring together a varied audience including industry, academia, farmers,growers, government and funders. We want to achieve an Agri-Tech Industry opinion around Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to drive compelling discussions during and after the event.

What to expect?

• Scene-setting presentations including an overview of IPM approaches
• Thoughts on the current agricultural landscape in the UK, how IPM is being used and future opportunities
• A discussion around opportunities (e.g. funding) to support future work in this area
• An interactive session to gather audience input on challenges and opportunities for IPM

The full agenda will be published a few weeks before the event.
This event is organised by ​the Knowledge Transfer Network​ and the ​Institute for Sustainable Food at the ​University of Sheffield​.

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to 10 Dec


Synthetic Biology UK 2019 will explore the unique opportunities of research in a number of areas of synthetic biology, establishing likely future directions and facilitating discussion about appropriate strategies.

Abstract deadline: 9 October 2019

Earlybird registration deadline: 9 October 2019

Synthetic biology is a convergence of multiple fields that can generate both improved understanding of biological systems as well as cutting-edge biotechnology.

Synthetic Biology UK 2019 will explore the unique opportunities of research in a number of areas of synthetic biology, establishing likely future directions and facilitating discussion about appropriate strategies. It will provide an excellent framework for younger scientists and engineers to learn about burgeoning new areas of activity, including the engineering of microbial communities and of microbial-plant interactions.

Topics covered in this meeting may be published in Biochemical Society Transactions.

Programme Coordinators:
John McCarthy, University of Warwick
Corinne Hanlon, University of Warwick

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9:00 am09:00


Is your company developing disruptive technologies? Want to understand how to manage risk, build trust and commercialise these technologies? Join GlobalScot Andrew Powell, expert on developing strategies to communicating risk, at this workshop in Glasgow on 29th November.

Aim of the event and learning outcomes

This full day workshop will introduce the concept of risk communication and how it differs from public relations and science communication.  It will indicate where risks arise in the invention to innovation journey and encourage delegates to consider the fact that not everyone may view innovation in the same way you do.  It will dispel the myth that increasing someone’s technical knowledge will mean they accept and understand your position.  You will also be introduced to the Outrage Concept, the fact that risk is personal and people need to know you care before they care about what you know.

You will be given the tools to address a risk you are currently facing in your innovation journey, whether it’s the public acceptance of a new product or service, or you are challenging the status quo in the use of repurposing a feedstock for your process.  Using the guiding principles of trust determination, attention span theory and negative dominance, you will be supported to spend the afternoon reviewing your risk and drafting a message map for your issue or question.

This event is targeted at:

  • CEO/CSO-level in startup, small and medium sized organisations

  • Those with business development or communications remits in public or private sector organisations including innovation centres

  • Strategic funding managers/Research and Innovation staff within academia

  • Academics, Research staff and PhD students that engage the public in their research


Non-members £375
Large company members £350
Academics and member start ups/SMEs £325
All refreshments will be included in the course fee payable by invoice.


The Collins Building, 22 Richmond Street, Glasgow.
Arrival & Registration – Level 2, 9am
Event – Room 1 on level 2

All event spaces in the building are accessible, please indicate at the point of registration if you require additional support to attend the event.


09.00 – 09.30   Arrival, registration, refreshments
09.30 – 12.30  Workshop with refreshment break
12.30 – 13.00  Lunch
13.00 – 14.00  Workshop
14.00 – 16.00  Message map exercise with refreshments available
16.00 – 16.15  Summary, future work and close


Delivered by Dr Andrew D Powell CEO and Co-founder (Asia Biobusiness)

Andrew founded Asia BioBusiness with Professor Paul Teng in 2005 and has worked with a broad range of clients from the both public and private sectors. Clients include Bayer, Syngenta, Dupont BioSciences and Nutrition, International Fragrance Association, Tate and Lyle, Temasek Holdings, USDA), UNEP-GEF / Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Climate Change, India, Inter American Development Bank/Government of Panama, Agricultural Biotechnology Council of Australia, Asia Productivity Organisation, Scottish Enterprise, Enterprise Ireland, National Innovation Agency, Thailand,  AusBiotech, Biotechnology Corporation, Malaysia, NZBIO, etc.

Asia BioBusiness works with companies and organizations to foster innovation and effective communication, and provide critical support to assist entrepreneurs in nurturing ideas and turning them into profitable businesses. It also specialises in developing effective communication strategies for new technologies to enhance understanding and acceptance within key target groups e.g. regulators, investors, media and the lay public.

Andrew has considerable experience in stakeholder dialogues, facilitations and public fora across the region, and is invited regularly to chair sessions at global technology conferences.

Over the last 15 years he has been active in area of Risk Communication, conducting training and offering advice to both public and private sector clients. He is the co-author with Dr Andrew Roberts of “The Lowdown: Risk Communication, Dodging the Bullet in Controversy and Crisis” published by Creative Content Digital, London and available via iTunes, Audible, and as an eBook (launch September 2010).

Andrew is a proud member of the Global Scot community ( – a worldwide network of entrepreneurial and inspirational business leaders, dedicated to supporting Scotland’s most ambitious companies and supported by Scottish Enterprise.  In this role, Andrew will deliver a 1-day training course on behalf of IBioIC to support organisations in the sector to give due consideration to the importance of risk communication when disrupting the status quo and seeking social licence. 

Additional background

Andrew Powell graduated from the University of Edinburgh with honours in Biology and obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Calgary, Canada. He has held research and academic positions at the University of Guelph, Canada, the National Institute for Health Sciences in Tokyo, and Tsukuba, Japan and the National University of Singapore.

Andrew has been a member of the Alberta Government’s Research and Innovation Advisory Committee (ARIAC) from 2017 to 2019. He is also on the Advisory Committee of The Scientific American / BioIndustry Organization Worldview Publication. From 2012 to 2017 he sat on the advisory board for Syngenta’s Rice Bowl Index.

Related download
Privacy Notice Risk Comm 291119.docx

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to 20 Nov


The European Summit of Industrial Biotechnology (esib) is the European communication platform for industrial biotechnology. The summit covers science, industrial needs, economic demands, funding resources and political aspirations.

Monday 18/11/2019 - Wednesday 20/11/2019, Austria.

The European Summit of Industrial Biotechnology (ESIB) is an interdisciplinary platform open for all contributors to industrial biotechnology (agencies, economy, politics, science). The ESIB is managed by acib – the Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology – and its partners.

The guiding thread of the event 2019 will be Next Generation Bioproduction

Focus Topic I:
Bioproduction in the Sense of Bioeconomy

Focus Topic II:
Advances in Biomanufacturing and Upcoming Biopharmaceuticals

Abstracts for the esib 2019
Abstracts for the European Summit of Industrial Biotechnology 2019 are welcome for scientific as well as non-scientific topics (not only political, economical or social issues but also project ideas, funding opportunities, responsible research etc.). Nevertheless, the topics should be related to industrial biotechnology. Do you have an idea or an outstanding finding  you want to present or place on the market?

and convince the audience with a powerful speed presentation. Submit your abstract for a poster or a speed presentation here:

Deadline for Early Abstract Submission: June 21st, 2019
Deadline for Regular Abstract Submission: August 15st, 2019

Super Early Bird registration is available until 15th April.

IBioIC members will receive a 10% discount on registration fees. Please contact Jude Huggan for details.

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to 14 Jun


IBioIC and representative SME member companies will be featuring in the upcoming Chemistry @ Work day, which focusses on delivering an engaging demonstration of chemistry and the circular economy to over 200 school children and their teachers.

Raising awareness about the industrial biotechnology (IB) sector as an attractive and accessible future career opportunity is high on the agenda for the IBioIC Skills Team.  Without an increase in recruitment to courses at all levels, the number of industry-ready graduates will not meet the demand of this growing sector.  Our efforts must start with engaging the next generation and those that influence their career decisions. 

The circular economy is yet to be embedded in the curriculum for excellence, and this represents a significant barrier to inspiring the next generation of IB employees.  This event seeks to demonstrate the breadth of the subject, with groups rotating through five 30 minute interactive workshops over the course of a day, interwoven with careers stories, routes to employment and company profiles.  There’s also time for pupils and teachers to browse an exhibition area manned by support organisations such as Skills Development Scotland, Social Mobility Foundation, Developing Young Workforce.  As a take-home gift, all pupils and teachers will receive a goody bag, full of useful materials and experiment kits to explore at home or in the classroom.

It’s important to IBioIC and organisers at the University of Strathclyde, including Dr Jane Essex, a lecturer in Chemical Education at the University, that this event is accessible to all.  Jane has recently featured in an article in Chemistry World (June 2019; Access all areas), which updates readers on the quest to make chemistry education accessible to all - “Science feels, to many people, like a very elitist, exclusionary practice, and teachers and families are pre-selecting their child with special educational needs out of being interested in doing science”.

Date: 13 and 14 June
Time: 9.30 – 2.50
Venue: Royal College, University of Strathclyde

Event Sponsors
• Royal Society of Chemistry
• IBioIC
• Glasgow Chamber of Commerce
• Skills Development Scotland

For more information please contact

linear vs circular.jpg
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to 21 Jun


Applications now open for I’m A Scientist, Get me out of here!

The popular STEM engagement competition will run from 10 to 21 June this year, and applications are open now until Tuesday 23rd April!

This is a fun and exciting opportunity to engage with curious school students, inspire them and show them what it’s really like to be a scientist! In the processes, you’ll also develop your communication skills and gain a fresh perspective on your work.

Once you’ve applied, just fill in your profile page and start answering questions from our UK school students through our text-based chat system. Everything happens online, so there’s no need to leave the office and set time apart to prepare activities.

After my first live chat, I was hooked! The enthusiasm of the students was inspiring, and some of the questions were incredibly thought-provoking.” David, physicist

Plus, what’s more, the favourite scientist voted by students will win £500 to fund more engagement activities!

Taking part is an opportunity to use some of your annual STEM commitment to your IBioIC studentship so if you’re less keen on engaging in person, this might be a route for you.

Apply by Tuesday 23rd April!

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to 7 Jun


The 5th International Soft Matter Conference (ISMC2019) will be held in Edinburgh, United Kingdom from 3-7 June 2019.

The Organisers are looking forward to welcoming you to this Conference, held under the auspices of the SoftComp Network of Excellence

Confirmed Plenary Speakers include:

- Lydéric Bocquet (CNRS, ENS): ‘Flow and rheology at ultimate scales’
- Stephen L Craig (Duke University): ‘Macromolecular Mechanochemistry’
- Kohzo Ito (University of Tokyo): ‘Tough topological polymers and their applications to energy-efficient vehicles and medicine’
- Susan Perkin (University of Oxford): ‘A Cabinet of Curiosities: Stories of Electrostatics in Soft Matter’

There will be 10 scientific sessions:

- Active Soft Matter
- Arrested Soft Matter
- Colloidal and Granular Soft Matter
- Interfacial Soft Matter
- Living Soft Matter
- Stressed Soft Matter
- Polymeric Soft Matter
- Making and Measuring Soft Matter
- Processing Soft Matter
- Self-assembled Soft Matter

Registration Opens                        3 June, Morning
Scientific Programme Starts         3 June, 2pm
Opening Social Reception             3 June, Evening
Conference closes (with lunch)    7 June, 12:30 pm

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8:15 am08:15

Science@Strathclyde Business Breakfast

The University of Strathclyde’s Science Faculty works with businesses in a number of ways. Our Science @ Strathclyde Business Breakfast provides an opportunity for you and your business to learn more about how we can work with you to support your company. In addition, it provides a forum for businesses to engage with each other and to share their successes and challenges.

Date – Wednesday 29th May
SIPBS Hamnett Wing, 161 Cathedral Street, Glasgow, G4 0RE

Professor Sue Pyne from the Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences will lead our next Business Breakfast. Sue will outline the Industrial PhD programme and the benefits of working towards a PhD while conducting high quality research for your employer in the normal course of your work. Individuals remain employed by the partner company throughout the programme and are registered at, and jointly supervised by, the University. Benefits to employers include more highly trained and invested employees.

We will be delighted to welcome Professor Amy Robertson from our partner AstraZeneca who will present on the topic ‘The Benefits of PhDs to Industrial-Academic Partnerships’.

Amy is the Principal Scientist for Crystal and Particle Science in Pharmaceutical Technology and Development at AstraZeneca. She has a PhD in Chemistry from the University of Bristol and worked as Post-Doctoral Research Associate at the University of Manchester for 3 years before moving to an industrial role. She has worked in the pharmaceutical industry for over 15 years in team manager and scientific positions. Her role is at the interface of drug substance and drug product development and focuses on developing manufacturing processes for the scale up of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs).  For the past 8 years she has represented AstraZeneca on the CMAC (Continuous Manufacturing and Advanced Crystallisation) technical committee working with academic and industrial partners to deliver new science and technology. In 2015 she was appointed as a Visiting Professor at the University of Strathclyde.

The event will start at 8:15am with registration tea, coffee and breakfast rolls with presentations commencing at 8:30am. There will be ample opportunity for networking with other attendees after the presentations. To find out more and register see

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9:15 am09:15


Aquaculture Careers 2019 organized by the Aquaculture Students’ Association (ASA) at the Institute of Aquaculture.

Aquaculture Careers 2019 will take place on 20th May and will run from 09.15 – 16.00 at the Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling.

In the last two years the event attracted 150 – 200 students of MSc/PhD level with a keen interest in Aquaculture.

For further information, contact Carolina Fernandez (, President of the ASA.

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12:00 pm12:00


The next industrial/academic cross-sector Workshop on the subject of Biofilm Engineering will take place on Tuesday April 30th (10:00 – 16:00) at the EICC, Edinburgh.

From 10:00-10:30 there will be coffee and networking, lunch and refreshments will also be provided and we will finish at 16:00

Please email to express your interest in participating in this workshop.

This will be an essential session for anyone in an industrial or academic setting with an interest in biofilms and exploiting an understanding of their uses at the interface with engineering and process applications and who is keen to meet others who share this interest. This event is open to all commercial/industrial concerns with an interest in the subject and to UK academics whose institution is either currently, or plans to be, a member of NBIC.

We will be discussing how to harness the benefits from knowledge of biofilm composition, function, ecology and evolution. This includes developing and improving engineered platforms and solutions e.g. wastewater, biotechnology, resource recovery from wastewater, microbial fuel cells, aerobic and anaerobic bio-refinery. The scope for this theme also includes precision tools for microbial community engineering using synthetic biology.

Copies of the report on our first workshop (Biofilm Detection) are available on request.

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to 30 Apr


Meet Inspiring Speakers and Experts at our 3000+ Global Events with over 600+ Conferences, 1200+ Symposiums and 1200+ Workshops on Medical, Pharma, Engineering, Science, Technology and Business.

April 29-30, 2019 London, UK

Theme: Explore the development of research in the field of Microbiology

Microbiologists, Scientists, Research Scholars, Industrial professionals, Technologists and Student Delegates from Microbiology and Healthcare sectors are invited to be a part of the esteemed Pharmaceutical Microbiology 2019. 

This year’s conference will showcase the role of microorganisms in the production of antibiotics, enzymes, vitamins, vaccines and drug safety.  We look forward to welcoming you all in London in April.

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11:30 am11:30


The IBioIC Skills team is running STEM Ambassador training for students on 29th March in Glasgow.

Aileen Hamilton from Science Connects will deliver STEM Ambassador training which is essential to gaining accreditation in this area.

The training session will commence at 1pm and finish around 2.30pm and will take place in room Cathedral Wing 406a (4th floor), Strathclyde Business School, 199 Cathedral Street, Glasgow.

This course is for PhD, MSc, HND students and Industry members.

Please read the STEM Ambassador Induction Information and Privacy Notice attached and

Related download
Privacy Notice STEM Ambassador Training March 2019

STEM Ambassador Induction Information 2019.docx

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9:45 am09:45


Discover the Next Generation of talent being educated through the collaborative MSc in IB to meet the industry-need for graduate level employees with a broad grounding in the sector, which builds on their first degree knowledge.

This unique qualification sees the students being taught at a variety of Scottish institutions renowned for their expertise in a specific discipline in an IB context.  The MSc will prepare students for employment in careers such as Bioprocess Engineer; Fermentation Scientist; Research Scientist in a range of fields.

This event will be an opportunity for your organisation to meet a subset of our cohort who have opted for the “Blue Biotech” elective delivered at SAMS in a weeklong intensive course that sees them undertake a range of practical and theoretical classes to learn about algae, seaweed and the applications and implications of these rich resources.  Can you afford to miss out on attracting this future talent?

Register now to take part in this pitching, networking and information session hosted by the IBioIC Skills Team at SAMS.

Event format
09.45 – 10.15  Registration, refreshments provided
10.15 – 11.15  Welcome and opening remarks, Rules of engagement, Speed pitches from organisations
11.15 – 11.45  Networking and refreshments
11.45 – 12.30  Skills Team – opportunities new workforce and upskill existing
12.30 – 13.30  Lunch and Networking

Each employer is invited to pitch for 5 minutes, which we suggest contains the following information:

  • Organisation name, location, size.

  • Summary of organisation remit.

  • Types of role that an MSc student could conduct within the organisation.

  • The attributes an employee will need to get on well within the organisation (skills, interests and behaviours).

Following all pitches there will be a chance to meet the students over refreshments and answer any questions they have, starting to get an understanding about their aspirations. 
The students will then go back to their lecture and you are invited to stay and hear about the latest opportunities available to up or cross skill your existing workforce and find out how you can engage with the IBioIC training programmes to offer placements or deliver talks/workshops to the current and future cohorts.  You are then welcome to join us for lunch.

Perceived outcomes are for you to gain an appreciation of the next generation of students to enter the IB workforce at MSc level and continue conversations with any individuals that could be potential employees; hear about opportunities on offer through the IBioIC training programmes.

If possible, please supply any slides in advance (12th March noon) to

Additional members of staff from your organisation are welcome to attend the event, select the appropriate option at the point of registration.

Please find more information in the attached Employer Brief

Related download
Employer Brief.docx

Media consent form.docx

Privacy Notice Employer Engagement Event 13 March

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11:30 am11:30


Skills Development Scotland are organising a special event, during Scottish Apprenticeship Week, through the Scottish Apprenticeship Advisory Board (SAAB).

The purpose of the event is to showcase different apprenticeships, debunk any myths and hear from other employers about the practical steps involved in taking on an apprentice, as well as the positive impact that apprentices can have on your organisation.

This event is open to companies who don’t employ apprentices, don’t know where to start or are thinking of extending their current apprentice offer – with a particular focus on SMEs.

The workshop is being supported by FSB Employer of Year AJ Engineering and SAAB members Robertson Group, Balfour Beatty and Scottish Water.

Workshop themes:

  • why apprenticeships work

  • debunking the myths of apprenticeships

  • skills to suit your business: an overview of the apprenticeship 'family'

  • apprenticeships in practice: employers' stories

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9:00 am09:00


The first opportunity for organisations to meet our cohort of HND students who are preparing to enter the workforce.

Discover the Next Generation of talent being educated in Scottish Colleges to meet the industry-need for entry level employees.  In partnership with IBioIC, an HND in Industrial Biotechnology was designed to equip students with a broad understanding of biology, chemistry and process engineering in an IB context.  The HND will prepare students for employment in careers such as Science Laboratory Technician; Research Scientist; Process Operator and Production Scientist.

This event will be the first opportunity for your organisation to meet our cohort of students who are preparing to enter the workforce.  Can you afford to miss out on attracting this future talent?


Date: 5th February 2019 09:00 - 11:00

Venue: Level 9 Executive Suite B, TIC, 99 George St, Glasgow, G1 1RD

Related download
IBioIC HND Leaflet

Employer Brief.pdf

Privacy Notice Next Generation Workforce 5 Feb.pdf

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9:30 am09:30


We invite you to join this student-led Symposium which will focus on the role industrial biotechnology plays in today's society.


9.30 – 10.00  Registration and tea/coffee
10:00–10:30  Ice-breaker
10:30-11:00  Introduction (Rachel Clark & Ian Archer)

11:00–12:00  Session 1: Plastics (Chair: Martina Daute)
11:00-11:15  Update on the Plastic Biodegradability Report
11:15-11:30  Joanna Sadler - Plastics as a substrate for the circular bioeconomy: past, present and future
11:30–12:00  Discussion Panel – Answer to the Plastic Problem

12:00-13:00  Lunch (Poster viewing)

13:00–14:30  Session 2: What Can IB Contribute to… (Thematic Groups) (Chair: Scarlet Ferrinho)
10 min poster presentation and 5 min discussion on each topic:
- Food security and waste
- Healthcare
- Essential resources from sustainable sources
- Impact of textile industry
- Protecting Our Oceans

14:30 – 14:50  Tea/coffee break

14:50 – 15:00 National Skills Landscape – Ronnie Palin, Skills Development Scotland

15:00 – 17:00  Session 3: Public Engagement (Chair: Alison Hughes)
15:00-15:30  Brian Eggo - Glasgow Skeptics
15:30 – 16:00  Kenneth MacDonald - BBC Scotland
16:00-17:00  Inspire and Challenge, Susan Meikleham, Glasgow Science Centre
17:00 – 18:00  Drinks Reception (optional)

Thank you to Ronnie Palin, Skills Development Scotland for sponsoring our event

The Good, The Bad and The Biotech: IBioIC Annual Symposium 2019 will take place on 29th Januray 2019 at the Insight Institute, Collins Building, 16 Richmond St., Glasgow, G1 1XQ

Related download
About Our Speakers.docx

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