
Upcoming events from IBioIC and the industrial biotechnology network


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Our Events

The IBioIC calendar has opportunities to be inspired, to learn, and to network with some of the most important figures in industrial biotechnology, IBioIC is fast becoming the hub for industrial biotechnology in Scotland and the UK.

We provide members with a platform to share their events with our all-encompassing community, get in touch today to find out how IBioIC membership can raise the profile of your organisation.

Events Calendar


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Annual Conference


IBioIC’s 11th Annual Conference

12 and 13 March 2025

Technology and Innovation Centre, George St, Glasgow


IBioIC25 will be our 11th Annual Conference. This not-for-profit conference is the industry event of the year for the industrial biotechnology community in Scotland, and one of the pre-eminent events in the global biotech calendar. The conference attracts biotech professionals from industry, research and academia, as well as policy-makers, service providers, and emerging client sectors.

The 2025 conference will focus on delivering tangible benefits for attendees, including the cultivation of strategic partnerships, facilitating new connections and collaborations, providing examples of best practice, understanding regulations, and effective communication.


Why take part?

The conference attracts over 400 delegates from across the biotechnology sector and beyond. Conference attendees are made up of predominantly C-suite or senior level industry representatives from both large, established companies and emerging and start-up enterprises, as well as senior academics, researchers in industry or academia, students and recent graduates, investors, and policy makers.

Early Bird tickets on sale: 18 November 2024 - 14 February 2025 (standard rate tickets from 15 February - 10 March 2025)

Venue: Technology and Innovation Centre, Glasgow

Find out more:


What people have said about IBioIC’s annual conference

Always an excellent event, the IBioIC conference is a great place to explore market opportunities in biomanufacturing and has delivered several promising new leads again this year.
— IBioIC24 participant
IBioIC is setting me up for any career I choose after my PhD through connections, training, and other opportunities.
— IBioIC24 participant
IBioIC Conference let us meet the people we needed to meet and created an environment where that meeting was the best it could possibly be. Thank you.
— IBioIC23 participant
Fantastic opportunity to strengthen existing relationships and develop new connections across a varied range of sectors.
— IBioIC23 particpant
The IBioIC conference offers a great opportunity to explore the wider IB landscape and meet a wide variety of like-minded people.
— IBioIC24 participant
An inspirational event about biotechnology that brings together academia and industry!
— IbioIC24 participant
The conference has become our ‘go-to’ meeting in the events calendar as the best place by far to network with like-minded companies and colleagues to push forward the sustainability agenda.
— IBioIC23 participant
Publicity from an IBioIC funded project saw SEM being headhunted for entry into a global competition (which we won!). This is likely to open up both a new market (mining) and a new geographical location ( Latin America) for the DRAM technology. Thanks IBioIC
— IBioIC23 participant

 Bioeconomy Week Scotland



Bioeconomy Week Scotland 2024 took place between 11 and 15 March 2024.

Bioeconomy Week Scotland is a week devoted to celebrating the innovative, biobased, solutions being discovered and developed in Scotland.


What is the bioeconomy?

The bioeconomy is an important, and growing, part of Scotland’s economy. It uses natural resources and biological processes to improve the sustainability of all sorts of products from cosmetics and toiletries, to clothes, packaging, and building materials. It also supports the development of new therapeutics and medicines, finds innovative ways to use waste materials, and is contributing to lowering the carbon footprint of everything from food and drink to car batteries.


Event Programme 2024

What previous participants have said about taking part in Bioeconomy Week Scotland

Being part of Bioeconomy Week gave us an opportunity to raise our profile across industry and showcase our expertise and capabilities. It also presented us with the chance to host our first event within our new premises, allowing us a trial run and pushing our identity in our local area.
— Bioeconomy Week Scotland 2022 event organiser
Bioeconomy week was an excellent/flagship example of co-creation and was critical in communicating my work internally and externally
— Bioeconomy Week Scotland 2022 event organiser
Bioeconomy Week Scotland helped us raise the profile of the humble daffodil from reducing methane in cows to extracting carotenoids and flavonoids to managing Alzheimer’s disease. We hope to have raised the profile of the ongoing work, and promote why farmers are important in the engagement of bioeconomy solutions.
— Bioeconomy Week Scotland 2022 event organiser
Highlighted the entrepreneurial and collaborative spirit of agri co-op to work with amazingly enthusiastic academics
— Bioeconomy Week Scotland 2022 event organiser
