Annelie du Plessis

Annelie du Plessis joined IBioIC as Senior Business Engagement Manager in January 2023. Her responsibilities include connecting industry, academia, and government through IBioIC membership and networking to promote industrial biotechnology. Annelie’s role has a particular focus on engaging with businesses in the Highlands and Islands to ensure they can benefit from the Centre’s resources.

Before joining the company, Annelie worked in sales and business development in the medical devices industry for companies such as Johnson & Johnson and Medtronic and was responsible for their surgical devices portfolios in Scotland. She also had a special interest in the commercial education of staff and training & coaching new employees.

Prior to her work in medical devices, Annelie worked in the life sciences industry for Nikon, selling bio-imaging systems across Scotland into biotech companies, universities and the NHS.

Before Annelie started a commercial career, she was a Clinical Technologist in reproductive biology, biochemistry and microbiology and she also has qualifications as a mental health counsellor and executive coach.

Annelie grew up in South Africa but has spent most of her adult life living in Scotland. In her spare time, she enjoys walking and exercising in the great outdoors and growing the most beautiful roses.

Getting in touch:

Valerie Evans