Scottish biotech company releases its first animal health diagnostic assay


Firm celebrates with launch event of product to help in global fight against BVD in cattle

Release marks the start of new portfolio of next gen diagnostics

30 March 2023:  Biotangents celebrated the launch of its first next generation molecular diagnostic assay by holding an event at the Moredun Research Institute, situated beside their facility at Pentlands Science Park in the heart of Midlothian’s Bio-Science Zone.  AmpliSpec™ LAB BVDV is designed for use by laboratories to detect Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus (BVDV) in cattle.  Its unique design allows the test to be easy to use, highly accurate and fast.

BVD is one of the most significant viral diseases affecting both dairy and beef herds around the world, with resultant illness impacting herd health, fertility, and productivity.  Many countries, including Scotland, have successfully introduced eradication schemes to reduce the prevalence of the disease which includes ongoing testing within herds and new-born calves by diagnostic laboratories.


While Biotangents believe their new test will be a novel alternative or supplementary assay to those already used by laboratories in the UK, they see export markets, where prevalence is high but eradication is low, as key to the product’s success.  AmpliSpec™ LAB BVDV’s unique design utilises isothermal amplification technology, meaning labs can use less expensive equipment while lyophilised bead technology ensures its stable and easy to use.  Combined with Biotangents’ advanced bioinformatic capability, it’s created a fast, highly accurate test that is a cost-effective entry to molecular diagnostics.


On launching the test, CEO Fiona Marshall highlighted technical performance, saying: “with an accuracy of 99.7%, this is a highly sophisticated assay that will help farmers, vet and laboratories fight BVD around the world. To produce a practical, fast and affordable diagnostic test is a great achievement, and down to our dedicated team, our development and validation partners, and the support of our investors.  Now we look forward to seeing the assay in diagnostic laboratories around the world.”


Chairman, Ian Hamilton, a renowned figure in the agri-tech sector, further highlighted the excitement around the release and the technical success, stating: “I’ve been involved now with Biotangents since 2018 and launching AmpliSpec™ LAB BVDV is a great milestone that we are right to celebrate.  The diagnostic sector in animal health is critical to provide food security and sustainability.  AmpliSpec™ LAB BVDV, we hope, will contribute in significantly aiding animal health professionals around the world meet that challenge.”


AmpliSpec™ LAB BVDV is just the first in new range of next generation diagnostics being released by Biotangents for the livestock sector, Fiona Marshall explained: “the technology and bioinformatics capabilities proven with this test, allow us to bring a wider portfolio of assays to market that are unique in their combination of accuracy, cost, speed, and ease of use.  We’re incredibly excited by the opportunities that lie ahead.  This test really is the first of many.’