Sheraton Brussels Airport on 26 September from 10am-5pm.
PITCH and REACH OUT to potential partners
Are you an SME, (to be)start-up, technology provider or a corporate looking for partners or technologies?
Pilots4U are looking for 66 innovative technology pitches to inspire their 160+ participants (potential partners, investors, corporates looking for biobased solutions, technology & innovation service providers, feedstock owners, shared scale-up facilities, tech transfer organisations…).
Pitch topics: Microbial Protein Transition Players ●● Emerging Innovative Technologies for the Bioeconomy ●● Start-ups Looking for & Investors Offering Finance ●● Emerging Conversion Technologies for Biowaste ●● New Investments & Developments in the EU Pilot and Demonstration Scene ●● and one session still to be decided, surprise us!
Find the list of investors on the website or get in touch with them via the B2B Matchmaking Tool after registration.
1st version of the pitch programme is online NOW! Pitches are granted on a first-come-first-served basis, so do not hesitate and submit your pitch ASAP. More info: (Click “What’s going on?” & “Pitching”)
Enjoy A FULL DAY of intense cross-border NETWORKING and MATCHMAKING supported by an ONLINE TOOL. This event is focussed on networking and matchmaking supported by an ONLINE MATCHMAKING TOOL.
EXHIBIT at this event.
The event also hosts an exhibition in the spacious “Atrium” of the venue which is also used as catering and main networking area. A booth (550€ incl. one free registration) can be booked by sending an email to
For more information and registration:
This pitching, matchmaking and networking event brings together the networks of seven important bioeconomy platforms: Pilots4U, Tech4Biowaste, BioeconomyVentures, The ProteInn Club, Waste2Func, BIOMAC and Bio Base Connect. As such, we can guarantee a diverse attendance reaching from SMEs, start-ups, scale-ups, large companies/corporates, investors, research organisations, technology providers to organisations offering relevant innovation services such as access to finance, scale-up trials, application testing, business plan writing, feedstock analysis, life cycle assessment, social acceptance, etc