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The 13th Annual EFIB congress, organised by EuropaBio, is taking place from the 5th- 9th October, but this year, it’s going digital!

For the showcasing of new products and processes to help deliver the UN SDGs; engagement between policy-makers and stakeholders; for fascinating delegates and speakers, and new innovations in industrial biotechnology, this is an event you will not want to miss!  The program will feature over 70 international speakers on the topics Green.Circular.Sustainable - Food, Feed & Nutrition -  Fashion & Textiles -Financing & Investing - Bioprocesses & Technologies – Materials & Packaging and more. Click here to find an overview of all topics and a first glimpse at the program.

In the meantime, over the months in the run up to the event the #EFIB2020 Sustainability Dialogues webinar series ahead of EFIB highlights the event topics, provide insights and start the online discussions.

The first #SustainabilityDialogues webinar Green. Circular. Sustainable. centered on Europe’s progress with bio-based innovation, and the second edition, Food, Feed & Nutrition, looked specifically at sustainable alternatives for meat production using innovative technologies. Don’t miss the next webinar on ‘Fashion & Textiles - How can innovation cycles be changed towards a more circular and sustainable fashion industry?’

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In the next couple of months, the #SustainabilityDialogues will be zeroing in on: Finance & Investing, more specifically, how banks are supporting the Green economy and the sustainable financing solutions they provide; Materials & Packaging including how to develop new materials and packaging solutions for different industry sectors; and Bioprocesses & Technologies, looking at how to drive advances in synthetic biology and industrial biotech forward to implement new ways of bioprocessing.

With this year’s EFIB we aim to provide a platform to shed light on the role bio-based innovation can play with regard to implementing the European Green Deal and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as part of a green recovery. We invite you to get involved in the next Sustainability Dialogues webinars and join us for EFIB 2020 to find out more - registrations are opening soon!