The importance of resource recovery in the water industry is increasing, not only as a means for mitigating its impact on the environment, but also for stimulating circular economy opportunities. Over recent years, water companies have been focused on energy as a resource to be recovered. However, there are still numerous unexploited opportunities that can be unlocked through research and innovation activities. Circular economy approaches will play a key role in delivering net zero by 2040 across the water sector in a changing climate, and will require a multidisciplinary approach to develop and deliver opportunities at pace.
♻️ Do you work on Circular Economy approaches?
🖥️ Could your work apply circular economy principles or even be considered within a circular economy agenda?
👥 Are you interested in exploring opportunities and collaborations within the circular economy agenda?
Join us on 11 July at 3pm for an information webinar about the forthcoming joint crucible hosted by Hydro Nation Chair & IBioIC. Our crucible, on the Circular Economy, brings together representatives from business, industry, media, policy and the public sector, together with the academic community to discuss the challenge of the circular economy in the Scottish water sector's race to net zero. In association with the Crucible series, mechanisms to progress project ideas that are generated by the crucible discussions will be made available.
15:00 Welcome & Housekeeping (Dr Fiona Millar, Hydro Nation Chair)
15:05 Aim Setting for the webinar (Dr Liz Fletcher, IBioIC)
15:10 What is the Circular Economy for the Water Sector (Dr Ania Escudero, GCU & Hydro Nation Chair)
15:15 What does the Circular Economy mean for Scottish Water (Dr Grant Hemple, Scottish Water)
15:25 What is a Crucible & what can you expect (Dr Fiona Millar, Hydro Nation Chair)
15:30 Q& A
16:00 Close