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The opportunity to work at a company and get hands on experience in biotechnology persuaded Aimee to apply for our MSc

MSc student Aimee Smith tells us what attracted her to our MSc course and shares her hopes to continue a career in Microbiology.

Why did you decide to undertake this MSc?

After hearing great reviews from people who have previously done this course as well as lecturers at Strathclyde, I did a little research into the MSc and it seemed like a fantastic opportunity! Between the varied curriculum, the chance to visit other universities and learn from a variety of people it seemed like a fantastic way to further my knowledge in biotechnology. The really appealing thing however, was the opportunity to work at a company and get hands on experience in biotechnology.

What are your ambitions for the future?

For the future I want to continue working in Microbiology. I enjoy doing work with microorganisms and would like steer my career in that direction. Doing my projects both in fourth year and this year has shown me that I really enjoy lab-based work and would like to continue working in a lab-based environment.

What has been your favourite part of the MSc to date?

A favourite thing is hard to say! I really enjoyed my week at SAMS, learning all about the biotechnology potential of algae, and also really enjoyed the IBioIC conference! It was great to have to opportunity to speak to a variety of people in the biotechnology industry. Currently I am doing my project at NexaBiome and so far, am having a fantastic time! All of these are great parts of the course and great opportunities that may not have come around otherwise!


 Where/what do you think the next innovation in IB will be? 

Difficult question! I think the industry is so ever evolving that it is hard to say! Form what I have learned there are so many fantastic things that biotechnology can do that the next big innovation could be anything from a new use for seaweed to a new product made from bacteria!

What is an interesting fact about you / what do you enjoy doing away from your studies?

In my time away from my studies I like to spend time with my dog! A great way to unwind is spending time on a nice walk. I also like to read and practice Taekwondo as I have found that all of these are fantastic ways to destress from a long day!