Next BBNet POC funding call, up to £50K/project: Biobased technologies for a sustainable textile economy


The fashion and textiles sector is responsible for 10% of global greenhouse gas emission and 20% of global waste water. BBNet will invite proof of concept proposals for research aimed at  underpinning a move to a more circular and sustainable textile economy. Proposals should encompass bio-based approaches that underpin the use of low carbon sustainable feedstocks for textile manufacture, bio-based production of replacements for synthetic textile fibres, elimination of microplastics release from textile washing, the development of sustainable dyeing and finishing of textiles, and bio-based approaches for the recycling of end of life textiles. We wish to encourage projects that demonstrate an ability to help the UK to deliver on its net zero carbon and clean growth targets and ambitions.

We are pleased to let you know that on-line registration is open to take part in the Zoom POC call launch meeting "Biobased technologies for a sustainable textile economy” that will take place Wednesday 24th March 2021 from 14:00 to 16:00.

At this event challenges and opportunities in the area of textiles are going to be discussed. Also the remit of the call and the application process will be presented.

We are delighted to announce that the speakers at this event will be:

  • Simon McQueen-Mason, CNAP, University of York

  • John McGeehan, Centre for Enzyme Innovation, University of Portsmouth

  • Miriam Ribul, Materials Science Research Centre, Royal College of Art

  • Deborah Luffman, Finisterre


Registration deadline to take part in the Zoom call launch meeting will close this Monday 22nd March at noon. You must log-in as a member to register.

This is already proving to be a very popular event, do not miss out. Register now!!!!

The Biomass Biorefinery Network (BBNet) is a phase II BBSRC NIBB. Our aim is to act as a focal point to build and sustain a dynamic community of industrial and academic practitioners who will work together to develop new and improved processes for the conversion of non-food biomass into sustainable fuels, chemicals and materials. To support this aim, BBNet will offer research funding and organise events. BBNet membership is free and open to all. If you would like to join us, please register now!

Valerie Evans