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Connecting for success at IBioIC’s Careers Day

IBioIC’s second annual Careers Day has seen over 100 attendees from industry and the student cohort meet at the University of Strathclyde’s Insight Institute.

Twenty nine representatives from companies and HEIs met eighty two students over the course of the day with two organisations progressing discussions with students and Glasgow Caledonian University, CMAC, and University of Strathclyde taking enquiries about their PhD programmes.


Attending companies were able to connect with emerging talent and share their own industry insights, and attendees commented on how inspiring it was to spend the day with engaged students, while students reported how useful it was to talk to companies and learn about their activities and culture, and to get an overview of the variety of opportunities there are in Scotland for biotech graduates.


Plans are already underway for next year so reach out to the skills team at skills@ibioic.com if you’re interested in taking a stall.