Tuesday, September 28, 2021 - 12:00 PM - 13:00 PM
Hosted by Rennos Fragkoudis, Edinburgh Genome Foundry Manager, The University of Edinburgh and Liz Fletcher of IBioIC
Laura Klitten, PhD. Scientific Liaison, Inscripta
Rapid, Multiplexed Genome Editing for Improved Heterologous Protein Engineering and Expression in E. coli. Genome engineering has the potential to revolutionize our ability to develop organisms to produce novel molecules, detect environmental contaminates, and fulfill the promise of the bioeconomy. CRISPR has become a core tool for genome editing, but first-generation CRISPR technologies have been limited in scalability, accessibility, edit variety, and ease of use, restricting the adoption. Inscripta’s Onyx platform addresses these limitations by software and benchtop automation to enable high e!ciency, massively parallel, precision-engineered edits. We present a protein production and engineering application in E. coli showing how, in just a few weeks, a cell library was generated against an integrated GFP to explore fluorescence variants. This application demonstrates the power of the Onyx platform to improve heterologous protein engineering workflows while generating new biochemical insights.
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