Opportunity to work under the guidance of excellent biotech companies sold Garry on his MSc choice

We asked our students to tell us about themselves and their studies. In this case study, MSc student Garry Paterson talks about his studies, his ambitions for the future, and how the industry placement scheme sold him on the course.


Why did you undertake this MSc?

My decision was based on the 10-week industrial placement which provides a great opportunity to acquire experience in biotechnology-relevant laboratory work under the guidance of excellent biotech companies. This caters to people such as I who lack experience in large scale laboratory work for example. The course modules also helped in my decision as they are relevant to today's industrial biotechnology fields and sounded very interesting!


What are your ambitions for the future?

My ambitions for the future are to be employed in biotechnology working to develop sustainable and greener products or alternative products, as this is the backbone for helping to create less of a reliance on fossil fuels. Additionally, pursuing a PhD is a potential aim in mind since I would like to research these issues further.


What has been your favourite part of the MSc?

Two instances come to mind: taking part in the IBioIC conference was an amazing experience full of great talks about research into sustainable products that could replace current alternatives, while also meeting some fantastic people. Also, the Blue Biotechnology module in Oban was a highlight not only for being really interesting, but going out to “sea” the seaweed farm was a great experience!


Where/ what do you think the next innovation in IB will be?

I think marine biotechnology is a largely untapped resource, and if explored further might lead to some interesting products.


What do you enjoy doing away from your studies?

Outside of my studies I am an avid musician, playing the pipe band snare drum in the most successful pipe band to date and alongside a great bunch of players! The benefit of this is getting invited to play at events across the world from Avenches in Switzerland to Sydney, Australia and everything in-between.

MScValerie Evans