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SMART re-opens for feasibility applications

SMART:Scotland funding is offered to businesses showing a high degree of innovation and technical challenge. The SMART: Scotland Feasibility grant goes live on Friday 09 April until noon Wednesday 30 June with full details available on SE’s website.


The SMART:SCOTLAND grant is one of Scottish Enterprise’s research and development (R&D) grants that aims to support high risk, highly ambitious projects.

It covers conducting feasibility studies. It is available to small and medium enterprises (SMEs)* based in Scotland and supports activities that have a commercial endpoint.

*European Commission's definition of an SMEexternal link which will open in a new window 

The scheme will run as it has done previously, with intervention rates of up to 70% and grant awards of up to £100k for individual applications. Previous recipients have said how important the SMART:Scotland grant has been for their growth, as commercial funders see the grant as a good indication of a strong business proposition.

The SMART: Scotland scheme has been a consistent contributor to SE’s targets of Business Expenditure on R&D (BERD) since the scheme was brought across from the Scottish Government in 2009 and continues to play a vital role in the ambitious growth plans of Scottish SMEs. Over the last 3 years, 162 companies have been supported in their undertaking of leading-edge innovation projects – from life-sciences to fintech - generating over £40m of BERD in the process.

The scheme is open to all SMEs based, or planning to set up a base, in Scotland and is operated across SE, HIE and SOSE.

This is just the latest in our new calls-based approach to grant funding. For any new SMART enquiries, please email GrantAppraisalsAdmin@scotent.co.uk