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Innovation Lifecycle Carbon Emission Savings Estimation – Support

Register now to join a fully funded project to help you produce carbon emission savings estimates for your innovation and pitch your carbon story to investors.


Scottish Enterprise (SE) and our partners have developed a pilot project for 40 SMEs (and 40 partner staff), to be trained on how to produce a carbon saving estimate, explore improvement opportunities, and use the results to pitch effectively to investors.  The course will be delivered online by an expert supplier over 4-6 weeks in Jan 2022 – Mar 2022


Participants will receive:

  1. Training – on product life cycle carbon saving estimation theory and practice using an industry recognised tool to estimate the carbon emissions of your product or service (compared to the ‘status quo’) and identify improvement opportunities; delivered by group workshop and direct coaching

  2. Validation – a review of the carbon saving estimate by an expert with feedback, giving confidence in the final estimate and on future use of the tool for new products/ services

  3. Pitching – training on how best to use the data to effectively tell the carbon story in pitches to investors/ partners, delivered by group workshop

  4. License – your business will receive a license to use the tool and supporting resources during the pilot and for a period thereafter to enable further experimentation and practice

Note: this is not company carbon foot-printing, it is emissions savings from a specific product or service.


Time Commitment

The pilot course requires a commitment of 10 contact hours with the expert trainer through online group sessions and individual company coaching.  You may also decide that you want to put in extra hours above this contact time in order to get the most out of the opportunity. 



To participate, you will need to be:

  • an SME in Scotland[1] with an innovative product or service in development – at any TRL stage – or already in the market

  • fully committed and able to attend all the sessions delivered by trainers/ coaches

  • making your impact on carbon emissions (as opposed to other environmental benefits)

  • happy to have a partner staff member ‘embedded’ on your project, going through each step with you for the purpose of the pilot, to enable delivery partner staff learning

  • able and willing to provide any administrative information (e.g. proof of receipt of supplier services) required by SE in order to meet ERDF funding evidence requirements


Places are limited.

We will recruit 40 SMEs drawn from partners across Scotland’s 8 innovation and technology centres, the Unlocking Ambition Programme and the Scotland in Space National programme, aiming to confirm participants before Christmas 2021 ahead of starting in mid-January 2022.


Register Your Interest.

If you meet the criteria above and have capacity to participate, email info@ibioic.com by 30 November 2021 to register your interest and we will put your company forward for consideration.

[1] This pilot excludes Highlands & Islands-based companies due to the nature of the pilot funding