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Glen’s MSc led him to continue his work for a PHD with The Antibody Company

For his PHD, Glen Watt is Generating a Novel High-affinity Multi-targeting Therapeutic Antibody for Multiple Myeloma, with The Antibody Company. In this case study, Glen tells us about his PhD and how he hopes to help improve the poor patient survival rate for Multiple Myeloma

Why did you decide to undertake this project?

During my Masters of Research at GCU I was carrying out a project, very similar to this current PhD project, which I fell in love with inspiring me to continue this crucial work. As well as already having 1 year of blood cancer research under my belt, another great inspiration to me is the fantastic team of supervisors and fellow PhD students that I have the privilege to work with. Being a part of a great research team motivates me to continue this work.

What are your ambitions for the future?

To generate a highly functional novel therapeutic antibody for Multiple Myeloma, if we are capable of doing so could potentially improve the poor patient survival which is associated with Multiple Myeloma. However, to get to this huge stage countless hurdles need to be conquered which both excites and motivates me everyday.


What excites you about your research?

The possibility of contributing to the current research in my field of Multiple Myeloma with a novel therapeutic. In conjunction with contributing to research, being a part of a highly motivated research team who are constantly striving to better this potentially ground-breaking project is an exciting prospect to be a part of.

Where/what do you think the next innovation in IB will be? 

A new therapeutic for Multiple Myeloma.


What is an interesting fact about you / what do you enjoy doing away from your studies?

In terms of my life outside of the lab, I like to stay active by: going to the gym, golfing with my friends and just chilling out (which is much needed during a PhD)